Wednesday, March 14, 2012

braids & hunger games

I am not sure if i've mentioned it, but I am a fan of the Hunger Games. My friend Katie got me reading the Hunger games last august and then i was hooked and HAD to read Catching Fire & actually bought Mockingjay in Hardcover last September, yeah, i am committed. I am not a total fanatic where I have lines memorized from the series, but i do like the story--as bizarre, sometimes disturbing, but romantic & intriguing. IF you ask, I am team Peeta. At first, I was for Gale, but as the journey went on, I was rooting for peeta all the way.

My mom bought me this magazine over the weekend with a feature article on Jennifer Lawrence,who plays Katniss Everdeen. She's so pretty & seems like a good fit to play Katniss. I am looking forward to seeing Lenny Kravitz as Cinna, though I think Judy Greer would have been a much better pick for Effie Trinket, who is playing by Elizabeth Banks. anyhoo, The Hunger Games premiers March 23rd and I'll most likely [hope] to see it a couple weeks after perhaps.

Also, a few days ago, one of my caregivers, Sofia braided my hair like a bohemian style braid, nothin too fancy especially working with my hair that is thick and note that I am bald on both sides of my head, more on the right side though. I was just thankful for a different hairstyle for the day.

<---That's me. After this pic was taken, I pouffed up the crown more. I LOVE pouffy hair!! :)


Sue said...

LOVE the hair! I read the first Hunger Games book when it first came out- then I had to wait years between the next two! I swear it almost killed me!

Amanda said...

Ah your hair is too cute!
I have yet to jump on the Hunger Games wagon although I have heard nothing but good things about it. Maybe someday.